TechTalk n.4: Molto rumore per nulla – Deep Learning & Image Denoising

Ex Ospedale Militare via Fabio Severo, 40, Trieste

When Where Come togliere rumore dai dati? Uno dei metodi più efficienti è usare un tipo di rete neurale chiamato Auto-Encoder! Lo vedremo nel caso delle immagini, didatticamente più semplice. In particolare mostreremo un Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). Durante la serata cercheremo di capire alcuni concetti importanti di Deep Learning e alcuni aspetti più teorici presi ... Read moreTechTalk n.4: Molto rumore per nulla – Deep Learning & Image Denoising

TechExperience #1: The Remote Worker

When Where Online Hard times are coming, but Tech ‘n’ Chips doesn’t stop!💪 Due to the COVID-19 situation, we decided to go on-line introducing the ➡️TechExperience⬅️ events, a way to talk about different kinds of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! For the first TechExperience event, we will talk about remote working ... Read moreTechExperience #1: The Remote Worker

TechExperience #2: The Researcher

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will talk about research in the IT field with ➡️Marco Virgolin⬅️ (, PhD student working on Evolutionary Machine Learning at the Life Sciences ... Read moreTechExperience #2: The Researcher

TechExperience #3 : The Speaker

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will have the opportunity to talk with ➡️Fabio Biondi⬅️ (, Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Angular and Microsoft MVP, with more ... Read moreTechExperience #3 : The Speaker

TechExperience #4: The Teacher

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will have the opportunity to talk with ➡️Andrea Bidinost⬅️ ( After receiving a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering, he became a passionate Math ... Read moreTechExperience #4: The Teacher

TechExperience #5: The Data Scientist

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! What is a data scientist, what does he do and how you can become one? If you want to know more about it, participate in our next TechExperience, ... Read moreTechExperience #5: The Data Scientist

TechTalk #5: Pattern architetturali serverless per lo sviluppo su AWS

When Where Online Come è possibile sviluppare e rilasciare codice velocemente senza gestire alcun server? Le architetture serverless si sono evolute negli ultimi 5 anni, sono diventate molto popolari grazie all’aiuto di framework ben strutturati e best practice condivise dalla community di sviluppatori. Alex Casalboni, developer advocate presso Amazon Web Services, approfondirà in diretta YouTube ... Read moreTechTalk #5: Pattern architetturali serverless per lo sviluppo su AWS