TechExperience #2: The Researcher

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will talk about research in the IT field with ➡️Marco Virgolin⬅️ (, PhD student working on Evolutionary Machine Learning at the Life Sciences ... Read moreTechExperience #2: The Researcher

TechExperience #3 : The Speaker

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will have the opportunity to talk with ➡️Fabio Biondi⬅️ (, Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Angular and Microsoft MVP, with more ... Read moreTechExperience #3 : The Speaker

TechExperience #4: The Teacher

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! In our next TechExperience we will have the opportunity to talk with ➡️Andrea Bidinost⬅️ ( After receiving a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering, he became a passionate Math ... Read moreTechExperience #4: The Teacher

TechExperience #5: The Data Scientist

When Where Online Here we are with another ➡️TechExperience⬅️ event, a way to talk about different types of IT jobs with the protagonists in a group video-call! What is a data scientist, what does he do and how you can become one? If you want to know more about it, participate in our next TechExperience, ... Read moreTechExperience #5: The Data Scientist

TechTalk #5: Pattern architetturali serverless per lo sviluppo su AWS

When Where Online Come è possibile sviluppare e rilasciare codice velocemente senza gestire alcun server? Le architetture serverless si sono evolute negli ultimi 5 anni, sono diventate molto popolari grazie all’aiuto di framework ben strutturati e best practice condivise dalla community di sviluppatori. Alex Casalboni, developer advocate presso Amazon Web Services, approfondirà in diretta YouTube ... Read moreTechTalk #5: Pattern architetturali serverless per lo sviluppo su AWS

QuizZone Nerdone

When Where Online Diamo inizio alla stagione di eventi con una novità! 🤩 Tech 'n' Chips, in collaborazione con The Quiz Zone, vi invita mercoledì 9 dicembre – a partire dalle 20.45 – a una serata quiz in diretta, con domande dedicate al mondo nerd: il 🤓QuizZone Nerdone🤓! Avrete la possibilità di sfidarvi su domande ... Read moreQuizZone Nerdone

Web (r)evolution @ Maker Faire Trieste 2021

Piazza Unità d'Italia Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste

When Where Vi siete mai chiesti come fosse la navigazione sul web prima del 2000? 🌐 Vi piacerebbe (ri)vivere l’esperienza? Con il nostro progetto “Web (r)evolution”, organizzato in collaborazione con Krazydev FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura dell’Università di Trieste, verrete catapultati indietro nel tempo: avrete la possibilità di navigare su ... Read moreWeb (r)evolution @ Maker Faire Trieste 2021